A pop-up window will appear with a preview of that file (if one is available).

Click the “Occupied Disk Space” header to sort them in numerical order by file size. Sort by Column Header: Click the “Files & Folders” column header to sort the folders/files in alphabetical order by name.For example, if the parent folder has occupied 50 GB of disk space, and a subfolder uses 15 GB, the percentage for that subfolder will be shown as 30%. The Percentage view reflects the percentage of disk space that a file or folder is taking up within its parent folder. Display By: Change your view by displaying files by Space, Percentage, or File Count.File Size: Use the “Over: 0 KB” drop-down menu to restrict your file view to just certain size files.

Group by File Type: You can also see the files grouped by file type into folders (Picture, Video, Audio, Document, Archive and Other) by selecting “View: by type” from the View drop-down menu.Note that we do not recommend deleting system-related files. You can also use this menu to view just Picture, Video, Audio, Document or Archive files. To unfilter these, click on the drop-down menu that says “all files (no hidden & system ones)” and change it to “all files (including hidden & system ones). The hidden and system ones are show in the bottom folder under “filtered objects”. File Type: The default view shows all folders except hidden and system folders.Next largest are shown with shorter bars of yellow, then green, then white for the smallest files. The largest folders/files are shown with a long red colored bar. The colored bar to the right of each folder/file helps you to visualize which files are the largest.Click the target icon to the right of the filename to change the root folder.